OnBoard IT Support Services

Our team is available to provide on-site services for both installations of new equipment or to assist with trouble-shooting, repairs or replacements in the field. Our methodology for VSAT installations ensures successful site installs, professionally implemented and documented to enable ease of support. If your staff needs training on the use of satellite communications technologies, we can provide custom training delivered at our facilities or yours. Network Innovations also provides a VSAT installation course for clients with large VSAT networks that desire self-reliance to install or move their VSAT systems from site to site.

Our Network Operations Center (NOC) offers services for remote monitoring of VSAT networks. From our NOC we can monitor your sites for performance, availability, data usage, SNR levels, latency, bandwidth usage, packet loss and response time. Through this service we can proactively notify you of problems and initiate actions to maximize site uptime. We also provide you with a unique login so that you can view all data about your VSAT sites to review usage patterns, performance and availability metrics.


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