Fleet BroadBand 500

The fast, cost-effective broadband that SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband enables for thousands of users has positively changed ship operation and crew welfare. After becoming the de-facto industry standard Inmarsat FleetBroadband solution, the best has just gotten better, as the second generation SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband is here.

With Thrane & Thrane’s unrivalled experience in maritime satcoms you can be confident of both quality equipment and support. With this as a basis, extensive hardware and software enhancements including sophisticated new antenna technology combine to provide second generation SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband users with high-reliability and extensive functionality.

1) Internet – connect ship and office, access to all internet sites and applications
2) Telephony – call anywhere with unprecedented quality
3) Voice and data simultaneously
4) Background IP connection for e-mail and internet/intranet access including secure VPN capabilities
5) Streaming IP (Quality of Service for data sessions or applications requiring a dedicated bandwidth of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 kbps)
6) ISDN 64kbps
7) Telephony and data simultaneously
8) Remote Access to the terminal and on board systems from shore
9) Local Exchange – up to 16 IP Handsets manageable directly by user terminal, each with its own extension number

The all new SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband antenna, a fully stabilized 3-axis antenna with rate sensors for improved performance and fast, intelligent satellite tracking is the foundation of the second generation SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband solution.

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