Ship Anti-Virus and Firewall solution

Most of the times, when Security Center reports Bitdefender Antivirus and/or Firewall are turned off, it is just a display issue. In other words, while Bitdefender is working properly protecting your PC the status displayed in Action Center is showing otherwise not being able to check the real status. Firewall software is, however, just one piece of the security solution. To fully protect your system you also need a good antivirus program. If you are using the Internet with any Windows operating system, protection against malware of all descriptions is essential. At the very least firewall and antivirus software should be installed. This need not cost the earth as some very good free applications are available. Even if you want the extra protection, all these software providers have upgradable options that cost the equivalent of more established products and may be worth the investment for complete peace of mind. For the general user however, with basic security needs, the free options offer a decent service. With all the hackers and cyber criminals on the Internet it is wise to ensure your computer is protected and with so many free packages around there is no excuse to leave your system open to attack.


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